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  [17] Askari, A Soldier’s Story, 138–139.

  [18] Ajluni, Dhikrayat, 67–68;Barr, Setting the Desert on Fire, 236.

  [19] Askari, A Soldier’s Story, 136–137, 142–146; Lawrence, Seven Pillars, 520; Edmond Bremond, Le Hedjaz dans la guerre mondiale (Paris: Payot, 1931), 268–269.

  [20] 马安镇民抵抗阿拉伯军队和从马安撤离后鼓舞士气的演讲,见Tahsin Ali , Mudhakkirat Tahsin `Ali, 1890–1970 [Tahsin Ali回忆录] (Beirut: al-Mu’assasat al-`Arabiyya li’l-Dirasat wa’l-Nashr, 2004), 70–71.

  [21] David Stevenson, 1914–1918: The History of the First World War (London: Penguin, 2005), 402–409.

  [22] Falls and Becke, Military Operations, 2:2:411–421.

  [23] Kinloch, Devils on Horses, 282–283.

  [24] Falls and Becke, Military Operations,2:1:365–366.

  [25] IWM, papers of D. H. Calcutt, diary entry of 6 May 1918, 49–50.其他关于第二次攻打外约旦的一手资料,参见A. l. Smith的日记;W. N. Hendr,“Experiences with the London Scottish, 1914–18”;Captain A. C. Alan-Williams, scrapbook vol. 2, loose-leaf diary,“Second Attempt to Capture Amman April 29th 1918”;J. Wilson的日记,36–38.

  [26] French Military Archives, Vincennes, SS Marine Q 86, 21 May 1918, no. 23,“Jaussen”;French Military Archives, Vincennes, SS Marine Q 86, 29 May 1918, no. 31,“Salem ebn Aisa, Tawfik el-Halibi.”

  [27] 以下分析汲取了Michael Reynold的杰出研究,Shattering Empires,191–251,以及W. E. D. Allen and Paul Muratoff的经典之作, Caucasian Battlefields: A History of the Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border, 1828–1921 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953), 457–496.

  [28] Liman von Sanders对高加索战役的批判比任何人都要激烈,他在Five Years in Turkey 268–269页中称,运往卡尔斯、阿尔达汉和巴统的额外物资应该更有效地运用,才能保障奥斯曼帝国在巴勒斯坦和美索不达米亚地区的统治。

  [29] Anthony Bruce, The Last Crusade: The Palestine Campaign in the First World War ( London: John Murray, 2002), 215.

  [30] Liman von Sanders, Five Years in Turkey, 274.

  [31] 一位印度士兵的匿名信,时间为1918年10月28日,由英国审查官翻译,装订在巴勒斯坦的印度士兵信件集中。Cambridge University Library, D. C. Phillott Papers, GB 012 MS.Add.6170, 80–82.
